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Do You Want to Lose Weight? Here is the #1 Habit You Need to Break

Getty Images There are few absolutes in weight loss science. High-carb versus low-carb diets are still the subject of endless debate. Whether snacks make you slimmer or fatter is an argument for the ages . The evidence for calories-in versus calories-burned is even being questioned. Amid this dissonant squabbling a clarion truth emerges: Eating at night is strongly associated with being overweight and obese. That after-dark nibbling makes you fat seems to be true for people of all ages. Two new studies ad, ahem, weight to this consensus and offer some insight into why night snacking can make you overweight. The first measured the effects of nighttime snacking on energy metabolism. The researchers looked at 11 healthy women, who either consumed a 210-calorie snack at 10 am or 11 pm over 13 days. After the 13-day period, researchers measured the basil metabolic rate for each group. The conclusion: eating at night changes your metabolism for the worst. Eating the ...

How Can Chocolate Give me a Youthful Skin?

Thinkstock Everyone is familiar with applying sunscreen to put damaging sun rays at bay. But can eating chocolate have similar effects? A  recent study  by a group of London scientists found that those who ate 20 grams of dark chocolate for 12 weeks were able to stay in the sun for twice as long without getting burned in comparison to those who ate none. In 2009, the  Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology  revealed that dark chocolate offers significant protection against harmful UV effects from the sun, which can cause premature aging. And in 2006,  German scientists  also found chocolate can help protect against the rays that cause cancer. “Scientific data supports eating chocolate high in flavanoids, an antioxidant compound typically found in dark chocolate, can protect your skin, primarily against sunburn and UV damage,” says cosmetic dermatologist  Dr. Oscar Hevia .  “One study did show that after three months, ingestion ...

Achy Knees? 10 Percent Weight Loss May Help

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter  (HealthDay News) — Older people with a weight problem can relieve knee pain from osteoarthritis if they lose just 10 percent of their body weight through diet and exercise, a new study finds. Overweight and obese people 55 or older who participated in a diet and exercise program reported less pain, better knee function, improved mobility and enhanced quality of life when they dropped one-tenth of their weight, according to the study in the Sept. 25 Journal of the American Medical Association . “We’ve had a 162 percent increase in knee replacements over the last 20 years in people 65 and over, at a cost of $5 billion a year,” said lead author Stephen Messier. “From our standpoint, we think this would be at least a good way to delay knee replacements and possibly prevent some knee replacements.” The 18-month study followed up on earlier findings that showed a 5 percent weight loss decreased knee pain and increased function in ...

Did You Become Unattractive to Him Because You Tried to Impress Him?

By Rori Raye If you're feeling like you're throwing away your energy, your heart, and your self-esteem on a man who is pulling away, especially after he's come on so strong and practically BEGGED you to give him a chance at the beginning, I can't imagine anything more frustrating. Maybe this has happened to you. You meet a man you're not especially attracted to, but he's persistent about wanting to date you. He calls, he sends you flowers, he tells you how wonderful and beautiful you are. You… ( read the rest of this article for free when you become a member )

3 important Steps To Tell Him How You Feel And Create More Intimacy

Has a man ever told you that you're a great friend, but he isn't feeling romantic about you? If so, it may be because you're doing a great job connecting with a man's head and intellect, but doing nothing to trigger passion in his heart. You're afraid to let your guard down and show your true feelings because you don't want to be hurt again. But this fear is keeping you from emotionally connecting with a man. Instead, take these three steps: Step 1: Stop analyzing and obsessing Women believe the lie that men fear displays of emotion. Actually, what men can't stand is "drama," but they fall to their knees in adoration for a woman who can feel something and communicate it in a non-judgmental, non-critical and vulnerable way. Allow yourself to feel every emotion, even if it's not interesting or pleasant. When you stop analyzing why and just feel, you'll feel more fully yourself, more alive, and therefore you'll automatic...

If you're considering having a baby,Getting Started on Getting Pregnant

If you're considering having a baby, you probably have wondered how long it will take to get pregnant, when to have sex, and how often. Find the answers to your questions here.  The Odds of Getting Pregnant It's a common question: What are the odds that I'll get pregnant this month? For most couples trying to conceive, the odds that a woman will become pregnant are 15% to 25%  in any particular month . But there are some factors that can affect your chance of getting pregnant: Age. After you reach age 30, your chances of conceiving in any given month diminish, and they decrease as you age, dropping steeply in your 40s. Irregular menstrual cycles. Having an irregular cycle makes it tricky to calculate when you're ovulating, thus making it difficult  know the ideal time to have sex. Frequency of sex. The less often you have sex, the less likely you are to get pregnant. Amount of time you've been trying to conceive. If you haven't gotten pregnant...

food that will reduce the risk of breast cancer

ByElizabethLee WebMD the Magazine A bowl full of bright green steamed broccoli. You say either "Yum!" -- or "Where's the double cheeseburger?" But you know the broccoli is good for you, especially sans melted cheese. The question is, how good? And more to the point, can it -- or any food -- help prevent disease, such as cancer? The answer is yes -- some foods do show cancer-fighting properties, though no one is yet able to say one food or another can stop cancer in its tracks. Still, a body of research suggests an overall healthy diet filled with colorful fruits and vegetables is the key to skirting heart disease, diabetes, and possibly cancer, too. In fact, scientists know more about what not to eat -- processed meats, salty foods, sugary drinks, huge helpings of red meat -- than which fruits and vegetables to pile on your plate. But they do know those foods matter. A comprehensive review of thousands of studies on diet, physical activity, and weight con...

The Protein Power Diet

What Is the Protein Power Diet? The popularity of low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets is not as high as it was years ago when Protein Power graced the New York Times best-seller list for over a year. However, low-carb, high-protein diets continue to offer weight loss options. Written by a married couple of MDs, Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, the book promises that you will "feel fit and boost your health -- in just weeks!" The cover includes praise from one of their diet-expert-author competitors, Barry Sears, author of The Zone, who calls their book nothing less than "The Nutritional Primer of the Nineties." What sets Protein Power apart is the wealth of historical information about low-carbohydrate diets and how these have influenced dieters galore, ever since William Banting wrote his Letter on Corpulence in the mid 1800s. The Eades also provide scientific explanations for the functions of insulin and glucagons, the major hormones involved in the food-to-fuel p...

The 10 Behavioral Problems in Dogs

1.Digging Dogs like to dig, and you'll need to train them to get them to stop. You need to catch your dog in the act to stop digging. Say "no" and distract him with a toy. Scolding him after he's already dug a hole doesn't work -- this is all about being consistent when they're digging, not afterward. Tip: Give him a sandbox where he can dig. Then bury some favorite toys and watch him have fun digging them out. 2.Begging You can prevent this by never giving your dog food from the table. If you don't give him table scraps, he won't learn to beg. You can take him out of the room while you eat or put him in his crate. Or teach him to go to a special spot while you eat. 3.Not Coming When Called Always praise your dog when she comes to you, whether called or not. That way she learns that coming to you is good. If she doesn't come, don't chase her. Call her again while moving away. If she still doesn't come, tell her to sit, and go get her. Runni...

Severe Hearing Loss: Its Causes and Treatment

This content is selected and controlled by WebMD's editorial staff and is funded by MED-EL Corporation. The Causes and Symptoms of Severe Hearing Loss For 37 million Americans, the world is a very quiet place. Conversations have faded into inaudible whispers. Music has become nothing more than a faint hum. Anyone who deals with severe or profound hearing loss knows how isolating it can be. When you can't hear, you can't take part in conversations. You can no longer be an active participant in the world around you. Timely diagnosis and management of severe hearing loss may significantly improve your quality of life. As soon as you start experiencing the signs of hearing loss, see your doctor for an evaluation. In this article, you'll learn the causes and types of severe hearing loss, and what signs to look out for so that you can get diagnosed as quickly as possible. Signs of Severe Hearing Loss If you lose hearing, either suddenly or over time, you'll have trouble...